If you’ve landed on this page you probably care about business ethics, the environment and society as a whole. Great. We do too and it’s vital that we express some of the ways we try and do ‘well’, while also doing ‘good’.
It starts from the bottom; our ingredients, our suppliers and materials we use right up to the top; our staff, our structure and who we choose to work with. We strive to do the best we can for our people and the environment at every stage of business.

Our tea comes from a single plantation in Assam, India. We’ve visited and monitored their sustainability from growing the tea to manufacturing it and the way the planet and workers are treated along that journey. Our plantation is “TrusTea” certified. This means the plantation has been independently vetted and given positive scores on working conditions, pollution, food safety, gender differences, and the effects on climate change.
We work hard to source the best spices sustainably. Currently, we are switching to single origin plantations for our spices where minimal to no pesticides are used in the growing and manufacturing process. We also are committed to paying well above the average price for our spices to give back to the farming communities. Single origin spices also taste better so it’s sort of a win win.
All our packaging must either be compostable or reusable. Our new Masala and Kadak tins are stainless steel and can be reused for a spices top-up or even as a flower pot!
Ultimately we want to cut down on our plastic use regardless of compostability. We’re working on solutions as we type this… maybe those clay kulhads could come to the rescue?
Our staff are everything to us. That’s cheesy to say and maybe even cheesier to acknowledge the cheesiness, but it’s true. We pay much higher than minimum wage, give generous performance bonuses and treat everyone with respect. We are also an equal opportunity employer so no matter your background or experience level we will give you a shot. We also work with a mental health charity to build confidence in people who are going through tough times.
(Asia, our Manager at Spitalfields is pictured).
We love partnering with like minded businesses. Each business we work with must meet our standards in terms of the way they conduct business. You won’t see us taking investment from people who also fund anti-climate change causes. Just saying.
(The photo is of our collaboration with Humble Crumble on their granola crumble).